Contact Us

You spend a lot of time at work… you oughta enjoy it.

Hi there,
I’m looking forward to hearing from you. Please feel free to get in touch via the form below, I will get back to you on my next coaching day.  Check out my homepage to schedule a free session.  And, like, don’t stress about this.

  • I’m just a person who loves to talk about how we think.
  • Someone coached me in 2016 and it changed my life – this website is me, paying it forward.
  • I’m not too busy to talk to you and I’m not going to be upset if you don’t want to buy my product, which is coaching via my company, The Overturned Jar, LLC.
  • I seriously have a day job that gets me everything I need.
  • This coaching stuff?  It’s for real.  It’s work, it’s amazing and it delivers results.

Reach out and let me help you feel better about work – right away.



You can also schedule a free session at this link:    Schedule A Coaching Appointment