Three Secrets About Work – Secret #3

Face it. Getting all caught up isn’t really the point.

If Friday leaves you feeling like you have an anvil hanging over your head and Sunday evening feels as if you’re standing under the shadow of a grand piano – like some kind of cartoon sad-sack – you might want to try thinking about work a little differently.

Secret #3

Your Company Isn’t Paying You For Inbox Zero

If you’re like most of us, you spend a lot of mental energy trying to figure out how to get it all done. I blame primary education for that because, heck, what’s easier than that?   Seriously though, we are taught in school, and at home, that completing everything assigned, or eating everything on our plate is the key to being done. Right?

You know you’ve finished your work for the day, the semester, or the year when everything is complete.  There’s nothing wrong with that – except when you get into the working world, there’s no clear definition of done and the tasks before you change every hour.   If you have an instant messaging system at work, the news is even worse…the list is changing every second. All of that can leave us feeling dejected, stressed, overwhelmed, or worse yet, like failures.

You are never going to be caught up  – and it’s OK.

Let’s face it.  The goal in life and at work isn’t to be caught up.  We all have different goals in life overall, but for sure, your goal isn’t to just stop doing stuff. Your goal in life and at work probably looks a lot like engagement. At home, that means staying present with your people, being curious and doing the things that have great meaning for you.

If you don’t know what your priorities are, I feel you. I have a fabulous exercise that can clear that up for you in an eye-opening way. Schedule a free 25-minute session and I’ll take you through it. It would be my honor.

At work, engagement looks a lot like bringing your best self to the job and tearing into the stuff that will have a significant impact on your company, your team, your boss and yourself.   And before you fight me on that, really think about where that stack lines up.

You want your team and company to succeed – of course, you do. So does your boss. What nobody wants is for any of us to spend all day distracted from the most important work and delivering on the urgent but not important.

What does that look like? One word answer, baby.


So start asking yourself what is that thing, that if you don’t do it, nothing else you do will matter? Check your answer. If you answered every email, but you didn’t do that one thing, would anybody care that you answered all those emails?

On our team, we denote that on our priority list with a row of stars -like this:

  • The Big Thing
  • ****************************
  • Everything else

That way, we all know that anything below that line is in play. Anything above it is the top priority. It doesn’t mean we slack off, don’t respond to emails and generally muck around. Of course not. We take pride in our work and so do you. What it means is, we don’t beat ourselves up for not hitting everything all the time.

When you start to judge your own performance on the results you’re delivering and not your ability to swat at a barrage of incoming information – you start to own your time.

When you own your time – The Results… Are Magic.

Next Week: Fight for Your Time

Three Secrets About Work – Secret #2

Get real about why you’re working. It’s not because your Aunt Mary is making you.

If you’re dragging your sorry self to work, feeling like you’re heading off to another day on the chain gang, you might want to try these perspective-switching ideas on for size. 

Secret #2

The Reason You’re Working… Is Not What You Think

Let’s face it. You have to work – right? You have bills to pay, kids to raise, a future to provide for… you just don’t have a choice.

Maybe so… and Maybe NOT.

If you are telling yourself that you have to work, ask yourself if that’s the best way to think about it. If you’re like most of us, that idea acts like a stick on the rump of a donkey.  It drives us out of bed, we reluctantly plod to our car and force ourselves to get to work.

I hear you. You’ve got that snarky voice in your head sayin’ ‘Yeah? Should I start a gratitude journal or what?’ Don’t think I didn’t catch the sarcasm there.

It would be better to think that we are blessed to have a job.  If work was like a carrot and we raced forward to our desks, excited to be there, that would be great.  The problem is we don’t believe it. Yeah, we’re grateful but kinda not.  Our brains tell us we’re lucky to have our careers, but we’re still dragging ourselves out of bed and prayin’ for relief.

Knock it off. 

You don’t HAVE to work.  You can just stop.  Any day.

Sure, if you stop working, you won’t have a paycheck.  But you don’t have to get a paycheck.  There’s a lot of people out there that don’t have one.  

“Yeah,” you say, “but they’re living in a tent.”

And so could you.

“I don’t wanna live in a tent,” you say. “I want to live in my house.”

Oh. You want to live in your house. And working is how you accomplish that? Then you want to work.

Get it? There are thousands of people who don’t pay their bills.  You’re not one of them. There are thousands of people who don’t send their kids to college and who don’t save for retirement.  You’re not one of them.  You are choosing to work.

And when you believe that you’re doing all this because you choose to?

Seriously. That changes everything.

Next week – Secret #3 : Your Company Isn’t Paying You for Inbox Zero

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