If you think we’re all too focused on happiness…

Try telling this guy he’s not happy.
Interest and Pride make the top ten of positive emotions.
Who’s farting rainbows now?

Right. Everybody’s supposed to be happy all the time. That’s what all these airy-fairy life coaches are all about. Right? Right?

Get over yourself. That’s so 1999. Happiness is the powerhouse of innovation, curiosity, and dedication. Success is not an easy feat to achieve. You’re going to need some serious mojo to get there. Check out the list below.

The Big 10 Positive emotions:











Positive thinking gets a bad rap in STEM circles. I mean, we spend all day writing test scripts and providing evidence for stuff… like our code will actually deliver the right result, or that dam will hold water for instance. We’re not big fans of “thinking will make it so”.

Look at that list. Really look at it. Which do you think makes more sense

You work really hard, become successful and then you find meaning in your work, new ideas, and curiosity?

OR… You have an abiding love for what you do, you are interested in what works, inspiration strikes and then you’re successful?

If you define happiness as the set and the 10 big emotions as the subsets of happiness, it’s pretty easy to see that if you’re happy, success is pretty much coming down the road to meet you.

Chicken, my friend, the egg was first. Happiness drives success. So figure out what puts happy on your face, and go for it, even if that positive expression looks a lot like an alert pit bull.

If you want to find out ways you can feel happier at work, book a free session with me – here.

The 10 big positive emotions – if you want to read about the research visit www.pursuit-of-happiness.org