Stepping Back From Your Thinking

He’s not a paid friend.
He’s not looking for your defects.
A life coach is always on your side…
He just doesn’t buy into all your malarkey.

What the heck is a life coach?

Nobody knows- Right?

 Life Coaching is an unregulated industry. 

So basically, a life coach is anything anybody decides it to be.  

Here are some of the definitions I’ve heard –

– A friend you pay for

– An accountability partner

– A cheerleader or a motivational speaker

– A therapist but cheaper

– A nutritionist

– An exercise coach

– A woman in a long skirt who burns incense and thinks the universe will make her rich

And frankly, because there’s no standard definition, any of those things might be true for some life coaches – except the therapist thing. Life Coaches are definitely not therapists or shrinks, or medical professionals or psychologists. 

So, do your homework.

Most life coaches have websites, blogs, podcasts, webinars and books you can check out before you hire them.  Most life coaches will give you a free session so you and the coach can decide if you’re a match.

I hired my first life coach without having a clue what to expect.  I’d read her books, listened to her podcast and checked out her website.  Then I handed over a big wad of cash, with no idea what I would get for it.

Best decision ever.

Why would I do that? 

Listen, I don’t pay for anything I can do myself.  Not plumbing, not housekeeping, not dog grooming.  But I will pay a boatload of money to anyone who can help me with any of these:

– quiet my internal monkey mind

– stop messing around and start getting things done

– stop overeating

– manage my time better

– be more productive

There are tons of qualified coaches out there who can do just that.  I’m one of them.  But back when I hired my first coach, I wasn’t. 

After I started with my first coach, I decided one wasn’t enough.  I added two more.  One for weight loss and one for figuring out work-life balance. 

The results were stunning.  

I not only lost weight, but I also got control of my mind, got better at managing my time and my productivity, started accomplishing life long dreams and, wait for it, experienced self-compassion for the first time in my life.

Here’s my definition of a life coach:  

A person who helps you see what results you are getting now, and figure out how to change them – all without judgment and without having to pull all your old baggage out to do it.

Sound good?  You bet.

If you would like to try working with a life coach, it would be my pleasure to go through a free 25-minute session with you. Sign up here.