Three Secrets About Work

You’re in for a shock if you think you’re working for your boss.

If you’re unhappy at your day job, if your ‘rock your job’ mental sound track is starting to sound like poorly recorded hold music, you might want to try these perspective-switching ideas on for size. 

Secret #1

Who You Think You Work For – is wrong.

Our cultural vernacular gives us this wonderful phrase… ‘I work for  ‘Some Company.’   We’ve all said it.  I’ll probably say it tomorrow; it doesn’t make it true.   You are the CEO of your own little employment agency and your role as CEO of  Employment You is to find a customer who will pay you for sending yourself to work with them. 

Is that confusing?  Just think of this way.  You work for you.  You sell your services to a company.  They pay you, but in the end, you report to yourself.  You get to decide if you’re doing a good job, what job you do and what you charge.  Like any business, you have to sell the services customers want to pay for, and like any business, you get to decide how much you sell and at what price.

I work for me.

I get to decide how I’m going to show up at work, what kind of results I’m going to deliver and how much I’m willing to put into my daily grind.

My customer is free to buy from me or anyone else.  They only owe me for what I’ve already delivered.

When you view it that way, it’s a lot different right?  Instead of thinking you’re at the whim of a corporation that’s out of touch and is treating you badly, suddenly, that corporation is you.  When you work for you, the motivation to get in there and provide your customer with value becomes very strong.  If you don’t deliver, they won’t buy.   But also, there’s a sense of pride and control.  This is your business. You run it and you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.

Next week – Secret #2 : The Reason You’re Working is Not What You Think