Back to Square One

Every day, you get to choose what you’re going to do next.

Our time has a way of filling up. Our lives do too. One way to find out what you really want to be doing with your time is empty it out and see what you add back. The results might surprise you.

In 2016 I quit every extra activity in my life other than one volunteer gig and my day job. I parted ways with cherished friends as I left groups and stopped participating in sports. One after another, I stopped it all.

In the space that opened up, I found time… and curiosity. In the opening that I’d created, I found dreams.

After a couple of months with nothing extra going on, I found myself exploring. My friends and I agreed to hike across Scotland. I lost forty pounds. I hired a life coach. I totally transformed my life.

Ever wonder what might be different if you weren’t doing all of what you do?

It’s your move.